Controlled interventions to reduce burnout in physicians : a systematic review and meta-analysis

09 décembre 2016 | Burn Out

Evidence from this meta-analysis suggests that recent intervention programs for burnout in physicians were associated with small benefits that may be boosted by adoption of organization-directed approaches.

This finding provides support for the view that burnout is a problem of the whole health care organization, rather than individuals.

Key Points

Are interventions for reducing burnout in physicians effective?
This meta-analysis of 20 controlled interventions on 1550 physicians found that existing interventions were associated with small and significant reductions in burnout. The strongest evidence for effectiveness was found for organization-directed interventions, but these interventions were rare.
More effective models of interventions are needed to mitigate risk for burnout in physicians. Such models could be organization-directed approaches that promote healthy individual-organization relationships.

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